Personal Api
Project information
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Spring JPA
- Postgresql
Project Description
Personal API is an application developed to meet the needs of a personal trainer, providing a centralized and efficient system for managing their patients. This project was created as part of a college course, with the goal of developing a solution for a real client, aligning theory and practice in a professional scenario.
The API offers full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality, allowing for the registration, querying, updating, and deletion of users. During these operations, strict validations are performed to ensure data integrity and prevent inconsistencies in the system.
Patient Registration
- Allows for the registration of personal information such as name, age, height, weight, and medical history.
- Control of contact details and additional information relevant to physical monitoring.
Medical History (Anamnesis)
- Functionality for performing and recording detailed anamneses for each patient.
- Includes questions about health history, physical restrictions, goals, and lifestyle.
- Storage of responses for future consultations and ongoing tracking.
Anthropometric Calculations
- Performs calculations based on the patient's anthropometric measurements, such as BMI.
- Generation of reports for individualized tracking, including: Weight and measurements progress over time, comparison between periodic evaluations.
Data History and Query
- Detailed record of all evaluations and anamneses performed.
- Allows the trainer to quickly access the patient’s history for quick consultations or plan adjustments.
Personal API is an academic project with real-world applications, designed to meet the client’s demands with efficiency and innovation. It represents the integration of technical knowledge and real requirements, providing a functional and scalable solution.