User Api

Project information

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring JPA
  • Postgresql
  • SQL

Project Description

This project is a RESTFul API designed to manage user registration in a system. It was developed using Java, with the Spring framework and JPA (Java Persistence API), ensuring a robust, scalable, and efficient structure to meet the needs of systems requiring reliable user data management.

The API offers full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality, allowing user registration, queries, updates, and deletions. During these operations, strict validations are performed to ensure data integrity and avoid system inconsistencies.

During the registration process, the API performs several essential validations, including verifying the CPF to ensure it is valid and properly formatted. The birthdate is also validated to ensure that the user meets a predetermined minimum age, such as 18 years. Emails and phone numbers are checked for proper formatting and validity, while logins and emails are verified to prevent duplicates in the system.